Hi all! My oh my! So, watching people pack you belongings for you is way better than having to unpack and organize the jumble of "allegedly organized" packing that was done for you! "One box at a time" has been our motto lately. And since there are only about 6-8 boxes left (and they apparently don't contain anything essential otherwise we would have unpacked them by now) we are finally feeling more settled in our house. Not, completely settled, but getting there.
Our house, all clean and trimmed

When we first moved in we had some problems with the property management company. The house looked like it hadn't even been cleaned (inside and out) before we moved in. After many "tactful" conversations and a LONG list of fixes, one cleaning lady, one exterminator, two power-washers, and we are on our way to getting it all taken care of.
Aaron is loving Ft. Knox! The post is a lot nicer, cleaner and more welcoming of his unit. The leadership is a million times better compared to at Ft. Hood. It is so fabulous to have my cousin and her family nearby! They took Clara the evening the movers were coming, she stayed the night (her first "sleepover") and watched the the next day so we could achieve some semblance of organization and start the task of unpacking our home. It worked out more than perfect because the movers didn't even arrive until 6:30 and left a little before midnight. There's no way Clara would have calmly survived all that, or me for that matter.
I haven't started work officially yet, I'm waiting for my background checks to clear before I start. I don't know if I posted this, but, I ended up not accepting the government job on post at Ft. Knox and will instead be doing Early Intervention through the state with Kentucky First Steps. It's the same kind of job (0-3 year olds, going to homes for therapy), just through the state, not DOD.
Anyway, I had an orientation to go to last week. Clara's awesome papa (aka, my awesome dad!) came down for a few days to help out around the house and watch Clara while I had the all day orientation. They both survived and loved every minute of their day together. Gee, I wish I could've been a fly on the wall that day! I left early in the morning before Clara was awake and it would have been my first day of not seeing her at all if I hadn't arrived home just after bedtime and snuck in for some quick snuggles before putting her back to bed. :) Thanks papa for being such a big help, the three of us really appreciate it.
We have had so many cute picture moments, but the camera just hasn't been there when they happened! But I did manage to get a few in the last few days.
Mommy! I can do it myself!
If I could just get this darn foot to fit!

Gotta love a daddy who likes to color with his daughter!
Well, as life settles in for us in Kentucky we are thankful for all the concern and love you have all sent us. We will be sure to post more pics and stories as we make more memories! Tomorrow, being Colombus day, so Aaron has the day off, we are heading to Funtopia. The spectacular playground in Elizabeth town near our house, we'll definitely have the camera for that! Take care, until later,