Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Daddy Fun and Daddy Snuggles
Christmas 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas!
Grandpa and Grandma "Sally"
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Some other favorite photos from the day.
It was a great day for our family. Maybe we'll even be able to repeat it again next Christmas.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Colton is 7 months old!
Loving that smile that looks just like Daddy
(That's the mouth, not the mess!)
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Breakfast with Santa
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Christmas Cookies
Nick, Clara and Hailey
Sleeping Like a Baby?
Christmas Baby
What's for Dinner Mom?
Blushing Bride
Baking with Grandma
Sunday, November 28, 2010
A Weekend of Firsts
There was one good "first" this weekend. Colton took a nice long nap this morning trying to catch up on the lost sleep from last night. When I went up to get him from his crib this is what I saw....
We also had the first snow of the season. We woke up Friday morning to a beautiful white blanket on the ground! The first words out of Clara's mouth were as she spied out the window were "Mommy, can we go play in the snow?" She was so excited, how could I say no. We threw some pants on over her jammies, her winter coat, and rain boots! I haven' gotten to the store yet for snow boots. She played outside for a few minutes before deciding it was time for breakfast. But, she was so excited and loved every minute of it!
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!
Clara insisted on putting the candy canes on the tree, here's a pic of her festive decorating!
Aaron did a fabulous job, as always, with the outside lights. Now our house is the prettiest in the neighborhood...so far!
Merry Christmas to all our family and friends!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Fabulous Fall!
We are gearing up for Thanksgiving on Thursday. Michelle, Scott, and the kids are coming over, along with several soldiers from Aaron's company. Should be completely crazy, delicious and the start to a fabulous 2010 Holiday season! Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Little Man is 6 Months Old!
Colton is such a happy little baby. He loves playing, laughing, smiling, and watching his big sister. It's nearly impossible to nurse him while Clara is in the room because he becomes more interested in watching her than eating. Colton is loving his baby food. So far he's eating avocado with cereal, sweet potatoes, banana, and butternut squash. He starting to drink water from a sippy cup. Colton is learning how to scoot and is motivated most by his play mirror, chewy giraffe, and Bailey! He still loves when I sing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" to him. He's got two bottom teeth and looks so cute when he smiles. Our biggest challenge right now is that he's been pushing his bedtime up now and it's starting to conflict with dinner at 5:30. Hey, if that's our big problem - I'll take it! This little guy is such a joy and it's so fun watching him grow!