Sunday, January 24, 2010
Baby Barrett #2
Things are going very well with the pregnancy. We are now 23 weeks pregnant, more than half way there and this little "guy" (we are being hopefully optimistic it's a boy) is doing great. I'm entertained with flips and kicks and stretches every night and many times throughout the day. My initial feelings of "something's wrong or different" have subsided and I am no longer worried and fully enjoying the miracle growing inside me.
We have a boy name picked out, well, leftover from last time really, but have yet to come up with a girl name. We'd like to stick with "C" names and since Clara is a more classic/traditional name we would like another girl name to be the same. We'd be glad to listen to any suggestions. Celeste Ann is at the top of our list, but we need Auntie Keri's permission for that one :)!
We spend a lot of time talking to Clara about the baby in Mommy's tummy and she responds with pointing to her own tummy and saying "baby in Clara's tummy". Needless to say, she's a little too young to grasp the concept! But we read books and talk about being a big sister all the time in hopes that the transition isn't too horrible of an experience for her.
All in all things have been fairly uneventful at this stage in Baby Barrett #2's life. I'm pretty tired in the evenings but sleeping great (when Aaron's snoring doesn't keep me up ;) ). I'll be sure to try and comment more about things in this regard and maybe get around to posting a belly pic or two before the baby is born! Again, just haven't thought about it a the right time. Being child number 2 certainly does make a difference, sorry buddy - we love you just as much, though!
Rainy Days
"Whoa! I got it." Nice save munchkin ;)
"I'm gonna getcha"
Clara just loves jumping, crashing, swinging and falling into the pillows! She's our little sensory girl for sure. It really is so much fun playing with her because she is all smiles and giggles and says "more again please" so sweetly, I just can't resist.
Today, is another rainy day here. The fifth in a row. This afternoon we are going to visit Daddy at work (he's got 24 hour duty today) and hang out with Michelle, Nick, & Hailey for a bit (Scott is working today too, bummer).
We hope you are all having a good weekend and miss you all!
Lots of love, xoxoxoxox
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Potty Time!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Tiny Dancer
Clara loves dancing! She loves dancing with her dolls! I got a little video clip of her dancing with a Cinderella doll to Elmo and Lulu singing on on Sesame Street. Enjoy!
Monday, January 4, 2010
20 Week Ultrasound

All in all, things are going well. Started back to work today, yuck! Until next time.....xoxoxox
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Happy 2010!
We had a wonderful Christmas, both in Detroit and in Kentucky. We were in Detroit for six days at Christmas and then came back home to Kentucky to celebrate a quiet, family Christmas. Both were fun and very nice. Clara reveled in opening so many presents and even marked the holiday with her first major temper tantrum! When it was my turn to open up the beautiful diamond bracelet Aaron got me she didn't understand why I wouldn't share it with her! Stomping, kicking, shaking, and yelling followed. Definitely the result of an overstimulated little girl! Besides that minor incident, the holiday was perfect. Catching up with friends and visiting with family made for a great week. Here are a few pics of our Christmas in Detroit, look at the slideshow at the bottom of the page for more good ones.
Putting out cookies for Santa with Auntie Keri
Opening up presents with Mommy
Back in Rineyville, we had some presents for Clara to open. Turns out Santa left some in Detroit and Rineyville; guess he wasn't sure where we'd be! I wanted to upload a video from our Christmas in Kentucky but it was taking too long. I'll try again this week because I'm sure my parents will want to see it.
We spent our New Year in South Bend. We have spent nearly every New Year's Eve in the Bend since 1999; it wouldn't be New Year's if we weren't there! Our friends Dave and Amy hosted a spectacular party for 75 of their closest family and friends! It was basically a wedding without the wedding. At a hall, great food, band, all dressed up, it was fabulous!
All dressed up, except Big Bird! If you look close the baby bump is getting big!Aaron, Amy & Sean serenading us!
On our last night in SB we bundled all the kids up and went out to play in the snow. There was more than a foot of snow in the yard and more was coming down. The kids had a blast! And, I must admit, so did Amy and I!
Getting all bundled upFun in the snow
Mmmm! Snow is cold and yummy!
That's our holiday story. We hope that you all had just as wonderful a holiday as we did. Back to work tomorrow and back to the daily grind of work. We wish you all a happy 2010 and are as blessed as we are.