We hope all you mom's out there enjoyed your day! Whether you were pampered, did something active and fun, or just relaxed , we hope you had a marvelous day.
My day today was very nice. The plan had been for Aaron to wake up with Clara and let me sleep in. But the little munchkin was quite in bed until 9:00! By then I was wide awake so the three of us all got up and had a nice breakfast together. We don't usually get to do that because Aaron is up so early for work and on the weekends we take turns sleeping in. Naturally, we treated ourselves to Clara's favorite breakfast, waffles and eggs. After breakfast we played and chilled in the basement watching Clara's favorite show of the moment, Dora. Clara and I both napped while Aaron worked outside. The weather this weekend was perfect and we have been working in the yard digging gardens and planting flowers. After naptime, we planted our vegetable garden. Aaron worked very hard this weekend digging up weeds, putting down top soil, and tilling the little space I had picked for a garden. It was a lot of work and I couldn't be happier! Now all I need is a little luck and we'll have nice, fresh vegetables this summer.
The evening was topped off by a sweet snuggle time with my big girl and carry-out for dinner with dessert from DQ!
In typical Clara fashion, she keeps us smiling and laughing with her crazy little personality and goofy moments. Here a few recent pics of our girl being her silly-self.
Lookin' good Miss Hollywood!
Out for a drive, pull up for a little snack, and play a little masterpiece on the piano!
On the Baby front, we are getting ready and getting anxious. Swings, bouncy seats, car seats, etc are all cleaned and put together. Laundry is getting done and we are getting the house all ready for Baby's arrival. Clara is very excited...we think! She keeps talking to Baby and saying things like "you come out soon!" We can only hope she's as excited when Baby actually comes home as she is now talking about it. As of our doctor's appointment last Friday there is no progress toward delivery, but I'm having real contractions daily. We'll be sure to keep you posted.
Until next time. xoxoxox