Oops, got a little off track there. Anyway, it's fun to watch the wonder in the little eyes as the little, dirt covered seeds grow quickly, week by week, into mammoth stalks. I loved taking those weekly pictures and seeing how the little girl standing beside the flowers grows just as much from spring the the end of summer. It will be interesting to see if Colton is as fascinated as Clara has been. And, if he cooperates with the weekly picture taking ritual.
Miss Clara....nothing to say about this pose.
Getting the seeds buried
Colton really liked dumping the dirt
This year's first official sunflower picture,
Colton wouldn't sit still long enough to say in the shot!
I have a feeling getting Colton is these
weekly shots is going to be a lot of work.
The seeds are planted. The pots are watered. Now, we wait and watch them grow...flowers and kids!