Clara has lost her first tooth! Barely five years old and her two front bottom teeth have been loose for about a week, with the new ones pushing up behind them already. We noticed the missing tooth this morning. Unfortunately, we have no idea where it is! Odds are it was swallowed either during her morning apple or in her sleep last night. Clara was pretty upset when a search of the house and her room turned up nothing. She has been assured the Tooth Fairy will know her tooth is gone and will still visit tonight. She's bound and determined to keep track of the other loose tooth when it comes out!
Later in the day...Clara was so impatient for the next tooth to come out and, I think, desperate to have something to leave for the Tooth Fairy, she convinced Aaron to pull it. After some wiggling and tugging, out it came!
Two teeth, gone, in the same day! |
Update! Today, the day after the missing tooth incident, we have found the tooth! While getting up from the family room floor following an intense game of Hungry, Hungry Hippos, I was poked in the hand by something sharp. That something sharp was Clara's tooth! It must have fallen out yesterday morning, unbeknownst to her, and camouflaged by the beige carpet, remained undiscovered during our search of that same floor. She and I were both quite excited to have found it! It is now waiting safely under her pillow, in the little yellow tooth pillow that used to be mine, for the Tooth Fairy to collect.