Life is so wonderful! Having Aaron home has been so incredible. It's like he never left. Clara has instantly become a "Daddy's Girl". He's the first person she asks for when she gets up in the morning and when she gets home in the afternoon. She's adjusted quite well to having him around. She even lets him pick her up from daycare and do the whole morning routine without mommy around without a problem.
We have been spending a lot of time hanging out with each other and some friends. We went to a barbecue at a friends house this weekend. Other than that, there's not really much else going on. Aaron and I are enjoying watching Clara amaze us and make us laugh. I'm enjoying having someone to help with the household chores and snuggle with on the couch at night. And Aaron's enjoying being able to sleep more than a handful of hours at a time. And, if she could, I'm sure Clara would say she's enjoying having a second person around to help pick up after her!
Chilling with Daddy, after a messy dinner (hence the nakedness!)
Testing the limits during snack time

Clara and I started our Mom & Tot swim classes last Friday. She was a bit whiny but did alright. She was bit whiny today, too. Her molars are coming in and they are really bothering her I think. Besides the teething, Clara continues to make us smile. Her sense of humor is so goofy. She has discovered the joy of "ring around the
rosie" and doing somersaults. The problem with the somersaults is she can't propel herself over all the way so she just bends over with her head on the floor and waits for someone to flip her over! Clara also got her first pair of Nike's! She loves them! And she looks stinking cute walking around in them. :)
Having fun in the pool
Running around in her first "real" sneakers

We are planning a trip up north to visit everyone in July & August. We will be having welcome home parties for Aaron in both South Bend and Detroit. The SB party will be on July 25 and the Detroit one on August 1. We are really looking forward to seeing everyone.
Enjoy the pictures from the last couple of weeks. :)
Lots of love
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