Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day!

We hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend and had as much as we did. We had a busy one, that's for sure.

Friday I enjoyed a "girls day" with some friends of mine, starting with good coffee and great conversation, then lunch and chick flick.

Saturday we hung at home so we could watch the Notre Dame game. Oh, did I mention that we CREAMED Nevada! 39-0 baby! What a great start to the new season.

On Sunday Clara and I headed to church and after lunch the three of us went to the water park down the street. Clara had such a great time playing in the huge wading pool and going down perfectly munchkin-sized water slides. Clara kept asking for "more" after she went down the slides! Aaron and I took turns riding the big slides and a great time was had by all!

Today, Monday, Clara and I went to the park after breakfast for a walk and some swinging and sliding at the playground. After lunch Aaron, Clara and I went out to the backyard for some pool time and a painting project. It was so messy! Which, of course, means it was a blast!

A perfectly painted pot
Looking like she's ready for battle

"But, I don't want to stop painting!"

Back to work tomorrow for both Aaron and I, and most of you, too, I'm sure. Hope you all have a good week.


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