I guess this makes it official, we are in the Army for the long haul. In March, Aaron signed his re-enlistment papers for 6 more years. That would put us in the Army for 11 years. And if you're gonna be in for 11, you may as well be in for twenty. He and I have talked about this many times and decided that an Army career is the way to go. Sure, there's many things about the military that aren't ideal to family life, but there are also several advantages. And, really, when it comes down to it, Aaron enjoys serving his country and if it makes him happy, it makes me happy. I am proud to stand beside him through thick and thin and I know I'm tough enough to make it though the challenging times. Being a soldier is a noble calling and I am proud to be his Army Wife.
Aaron taking his re-enlistment oath in Afghanistan |
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