Clara has a secret she wants to share with everyone...
And for those who need a closer look ...

That's right! Number two is on the way! We are so excited to share this news with everyone! Today marks the start of the second trimester and we went to the doctor this morning and everything is looking great with Baby Barrett #2. Measuring at 12 weeks 3 days and a heart rate of 160, he/she was a champ for us this morning at the clinic. Our official due date is May 20th; just in time for a 3 year anniversary present for us :).

Even having already been through this, seeing the ultrasound and hearing the heartbeat this morning was very surreal. I have to admit I was teary eyed. It's just so crazy really seeing this little person that's growing inside me. I marvel, continually, but especially now that we're pregnant again, at the miracle of life and how God has blessed us with this gift. And, much to my father's dismay, there is only one "gift" in my uterus! He and I have both had multiple dreams that I was having twins. I had the ultrasound technician do a thorough check and there's only one. Phew! Sorry papa!
Not a blessing, however, is the awful "ickiness" I have been experiencing. Starting just about the time we were moving to Kentucky up until about a week or two ago, each day from 10am til bedtime I was so very nauseous, sugar so low I needed to eat nearly every 90 minutes, and so tired! I was attributing it to the fact that I now have a toddler to keep my running around, but as my lovely grandmother pointed out "you're also older now Kimmie Lee". Thanks grandma! It's is getting better, thank goodness. The icky days are not only two to three times a week. And my energy is definitely returning.
And just to get this out there, we will be having a "surprise" again. No finding out early if Clara will have a baby brother or a baby sister. She'll have to wait until May to find out; and so will you!
Thanks for sharing in our excitement and keep checking back for more updates on our adventures!
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