Last weekend we were in New Jersey/New York City for Aaron's sister's wedding. It was so great! Granted, I will admit I was semi-concerned with the logistics of the weekend with our munchkin, but everything went so well thanks to our planning (and thanks to Lindsay for helping us to brainstorm so much!) Clara was a Flower Girl in the wedding and we were going to be away from our hotel for the whole day, late into the night. But our girl was a rock star! And a super cute one if you ask us! We crashed for a nap at the reception hotel between the ceremony and the reception and she lasted until the shuttle picked us up after 11. She was definitely tired, but never once unbearable or cranky.
Enough about us, the wedding was beautiful! Lindsay and David did a magnificent job making everyone feel welcome in the crazy busy city of NYC. Everything went super smooth and most importantly the bride was gorgeous! The church where they held the ceremony was intimate and quaint and the reception was elegant and gorgeous! We unfortunately were too busy having a nice time to remember to take many pictures. That, and we didn't bring the good Nikon camera with us, just the small, easy to travel with camera.
It was very nice to see Aaron's family, too. Clara was able to spend some time with Grandma Sharon and meet more aunts, uncles, and cousins. It was nice to catch up with the family.
Here is a slideshow of the few pictures we did take at the wedding. Sorry that some didn't turn out so great.
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