Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Little Things

Life is all about the little things. With Aaron home again, I have had plenty of opportunties to reflect on and appreciate all the little things that brings smiles and joy to our family. I'm sure there will be a time in the near future when we will once again take these moments for granted. But, it's in this time post-deployment that I really do appreciate and recognize how very lucky we are and how special it is to have these moments.

Snuggle time in bed on a Sunday morning

Wrestling on the floor

Piggy-back rides

Playing on the couch cushions

It's these little things that make life wonderful and special. Holding hands in the car, kisses goodnight, hugs in the kitchen, a text message saying "I'm on my way home", reading on the couch while Aaron plays video games, date nights, having someone to laugh with when the kids are being silly. It's these little things and so many more that make me so very happy to have my husband home.

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