Sunday, May 16, 2010

Baby Is Coming!

It's happening! I'm in labor! Regular contractions every 10-15 minutes and they are getting stronger as they get closer together. As of my appointment on Friday I was nearly fully effaced and already dilated a bit. This is so different than with Clara. With her, my water broke before I was having any significant contractions and we headed to the hospital at that point. Now I'm sitting here at nearly midnight, blogging, because I can't sleep, but things aren't bad enough to go to the hospital quite yet. I'm wondering...when do we decide to go? I'm sure my body will let me know. If I ever get to sleep tonight and wake up with contractions closer together I guess we'll do it then. I just don't know! I'd hate to go now and be stuck in an uncomfortable hospital bed for longer than necessary. Our bags are packed whenever we do. The contractions aren't bad enough that I can't breath my way through them with mild/moderate discomfort. But don't be fooled, as soon as we do get there I'm calling for an epidural as soon as they'll give it to me! We'll keep you posted, one way or the other!

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