Saturday, April 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Wednesday was Aaron's birthday. At home, we celebrated by singing "happy birthday" all afternoon; Clara just loves to sing! We planned and sent his birthday packages over a month ago - we wanted to be sure he got them in time. And, it worked! When Aaron called on Friday he had gotten his packages. He also said he spent his birthday week sleeping out in Afghanistan villages. Doesn't sound like the most fun way to spend a birthday, but such is the call of duty.

Aaron's birthday packages were full of special Clara-made projects like a picture frame, a life size tracing of Clara that she decorated, plenty of pictures she colored, a Shutterfly book, Girl Scout cookies, Swiss Cake Rolls, Triscuits and Squeeze Cheese, puzzle books, CD's with pics and videos, other favorite goodies, and my personal favorite, a "birthday cake". Yep! Clara made a birthday cake out of clay, painted it, stuck a candle on the top, and we wrapped it up in bubble wrap and shipped it to Afghanistan! Granted, it's not tasty like a big slice of chocolate cake, but Daddy loved it way more. It even arrived all in one piece, he said.

Clara painting Daddy's birthday cake
The finished product!

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