Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunflowers - The Finale

Ta da! This will be the final installment of our regular sunflower updates. They have peaked in their journey upward. Windy storms and the weight of the stalks and flowers have caused our giant friends to lean and fall. Last night I took some twine and bundled several bunches of stalks and anchored them to a pole so that they would not droop so much.

Week 11, July 15, 2012. So many flowers!

Week 12, July 20, 2012. That's one huge flower! Miss Clara always
has time to strike a pose. Colton, on the other hand, would rather
be playing with his tractor.

Week 13, July 29, 2012. So big and heavy we had to tie they up
so that they wouldn't fall down! 

There will probably still be several more flowers to bloom, but the excitement of watching them grow and the cooperation in weekly pictures has come and gone. It has been fun watching them and the children grow together over the past 13 weeks. We look forward to carrying on this family tradition next  summer...wherever we may be.

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