Sunday, January 24, 2010

Baby Barrett #2

It occurred to me the other day I haven't been blogging much about our pregnancy. It's not that I'm not enjoying it and that we're not excited, it's just that things have been so busy with Clara and life in general when I sit down to post on the blog I forget.

Things are going very well with the pregnancy. We are now 23 weeks pregnant, more than half way there and this little "guy" (we are being hopefully optimistic it's a boy) is doing great. I'm entertained with flips and kicks and stretches every night and many times throughout the day. My initial feelings of "something's wrong or different" have subsided and I am no longer worried and fully enjoying the miracle growing inside me.

We have a boy name picked out, well, leftover from last time really, but have yet to come up with a girl name. We'd like to stick with "C" names and since Clara is a more classic/traditional name we would like another girl name to be the same. We'd be glad to listen to any suggestions. Celeste Ann is at the top of our list, but we need Auntie Keri's permission for that one :)!

We spend a lot of time talking to Clara about the baby in Mommy's tummy and she responds with pointing to her own tummy and saying "baby in Clara's tummy". Needless to say, she's a little too young to grasp the concept! But we read books and talk about being a big sister all the time in hopes that the transition isn't too horrible of an experience for her.

All in all things have been fairly uneventful at this stage in Baby Barrett #2's life. I'm pretty tired in the evenings but sleeping great (when Aaron's snoring doesn't keep me up ;) ). I'll be sure to try and comment more about things in this regard and maybe get around to posting a belly pic or two before the baby is born! Again, just haven't thought about it a the right time. Being child number 2 certainly does make a difference, sorry buddy - we love you just as much, though!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What's the boy's name?