Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Hey, so I scanned in some of the pictures that were taken at our recent "photo shoot" and put them in a slideshow. There are some really cute ones. It sucks that I'm so cheap and settle for having to pick only one to buy prints of (the one I posted last time of Clara in the chair). I have to say, I'm quite fond of the daddy/daughter picture. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

These are really cute pictures. Clara is such a cutie, not that I'm partial or anything! Dad will enjoy his Clara sitting next week.
He'll be tired but it will be a good tired! Anxious to see you soon. Loe - Mom

Unknown said...

So cute! I love her little pink dress and the picture of her kissing the bunny.

Hope we'll get to see you guys next month for Grandpa's birthday. David and I are going to drive home for the weekend.